الجمعة، 28 أكتوبر 2022

The meaning of each SDG

1.No poverty

No poverty means that everybody has enough money for their basic needs.

2. Zero hunger

Zero hunger means that everyone in the world will have enough to eat.

3.Good health and well-being

The goal is that people are healthy and happy and can get medical care when they need it.

4. Quality education

Quality education means there are good schools, good teachers, and children have a chance to go to school.

5. Gender equality

means that everybody has the same rights and chances in life, no matter what gender they are.

"Gender is a category that describes the inside feeling

of being a boy, a girl, both, neither, and everything in between."

6. Clean water and sanitation

People need clean water to stay healthy.  Sanitation means having good toilets and ways to get rid of garbage.

7. Affordable and clean energy

The goal is that people have power sources that they can pay for and that will not harm the earth.

8.decent work and economic growth

Decent work means that people have good jobs where they are safe and get paid enough to live on.

Economic growth means that people are making enough money to make their lives better.

9.Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Industry means building and making things.

Innovation means thinking of new ways to do things better.

Infrastructure includes things like water systems, roads, bridges, buildings, food supply, and cable networks.

10.Reduced inequalities

The goal is that all people are treated fairly and people who have more will share with those who. have less

11. Sustainable cities and communities

Cities need to grow in a way that keeps people and the environment healthy. Everyone needs a house and a place to belong.

12. Responsible consumption and production

Consumption means buying and using up resources or products. Production means making .products to sell

The goal is to make sure people and countries around the world don’t have more than their fair share of important goods, like food and energy, so that there is enough for everybody.

13. Climate action

Climate action means cleaning up waste and working to stop pollution, especially so that climate change won't make the world too hot and dry.

14.Life below water

.Life below water means taking care of the fish and plants in the oceans and seas.

15.Life on land

.The goal is to protect and look after life on land, including special places like forests and deserts.

16.Peace, justice and strong institutions

. The goal is to work for peace, fair laws, and just governments

17.Partnerships for the goals

. Partnerships: The goal is to find better ways of working together to make sure all

 The global goals. (No date). Available at:  https://www.globalgoals.org/goals/6-clean-water-and-sanitation/[Accessed 26 October].
.You tube. (No date). Available at: https://youtu.be/GhzP37PQ6mM[Accessed 26 October] 

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