السبت، 29 أكتوبر 2022

Sustainable development

                                                           Sustainable development 

Sustainable development is an international socio-economic term, its goal is to improve the living conditions of every individual in society, and to develop the means

development is an organizing principle for meeting human development goals while also sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. promote the kind of development that minimises environmental problems.

development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs without compromising with the quality of the environment for future generation


Economic: It requires that projects, businesses, activities etc. utilize resources efficiently and responsibly so that it can operate in a sustainable manner while ensuring operating profits.


Environmental: Implies that we are living within the means of our natural resources and not breaching replenishment rates.


Social: Is the ability of society, or any social system, to persistently achieve a good social well being in the long run.


Social + Economic Sustainability = Equitable Social + Environmental Sustainability = Bearable Economic + Environmental Sustainability = Viable

The world can change at any time. Businesses must deal with increased uncertainty and risk due  to climatic calamities, global health issues, and stricter compliance requirements. Businesses can anticipate change, take confident action, and reduce risk with the proper technology. You can anticipate the future and seize new opportunities when sustainability is integrated into strategy and operations ,Obtain answers that are widespread, quick, accurate, and of high quality at costs that were unthinkable ten years ago. They are ways of supplying high-quality products and services in a variety of industries, including healthcare, education, banking, trade, administration, and agriculture. They can support sustainable cities and communities by lowering poverty and hunger, promoting health, generating new jobs, reducing the consequences of climate change, and enhancing energy efficiency


  Softwere AG.(2020-2022)Available at:https://www.softwareag.com [Accessed 25 October 2022]       

FutureLearn.(no date).Available at:https://www.futurelearn.com[Accessed 25 October 2022]

[Accessed 25 October 2022]Paul Sciara.(2010).Available at:https://www.pinterest.com               

الجمعة، 28 أكتوبر 2022

The meaning of each SDG

1.No poverty

No poverty means that everybody has enough money for their basic needs.

2. Zero hunger

Zero hunger means that everyone in the world will have enough to eat.

3.Good health and well-being

The goal is that people are healthy and happy and can get medical care when they need it.

4. Quality education

Quality education means there are good schools, good teachers, and children have a chance to go to school.

5. Gender equality

means that everybody has the same rights and chances in life, no matter what gender they are.

"Gender is a category that describes the inside feeling

of being a boy, a girl, both, neither, and everything in between."

6. Clean water and sanitation

People need clean water to stay healthy.  Sanitation means having good toilets and ways to get rid of garbage.

7. Affordable and clean energy

The goal is that people have power sources that they can pay for and that will not harm the earth.

8.decent work and economic growth

Decent work means that people have good jobs where they are safe and get paid enough to live on.

Economic growth means that people are making enough money to make their lives better.

9.Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Industry means building and making things.

Innovation means thinking of new ways to do things better.

Infrastructure includes things like water systems, roads, bridges, buildings, food supply, and cable networks.

10.Reduced inequalities

The goal is that all people are treated fairly and people who have more will share with those who. have less

11. Sustainable cities and communities

Cities need to grow in a way that keeps people and the environment healthy. Everyone needs a house and a place to belong.

12. Responsible consumption and production

Consumption means buying and using up resources or products. Production means making .products to sell

The goal is to make sure people and countries around the world don’t have more than their fair share of important goods, like food and energy, so that there is enough for everybody.

13. Climate action

Climate action means cleaning up waste and working to stop pollution, especially so that climate change won't make the world too hot and dry.

14.Life below water

.Life below water means taking care of the fish and plants in the oceans and seas.

15.Life on land

.The goal is to protect and look after life on land, including special places like forests and deserts.

16.Peace, justice and strong institutions

. The goal is to work for peace, fair laws, and just governments

17.Partnerships for the goals

. Partnerships: The goal is to find better ways of working together to make sure all

 The global goals. (No date). Available at:  https://www.globalgoals.org/goals/6-clean-water-and-sanitation/[Accessed 26 October].
.You tube. (No date). Available at: https://youtu.be/GhzP37PQ6mM[Accessed 26 October] 

الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2022

Definition of clean water and sanitation

 -Definition of clean water- 


The meaning of our goal is the percentage of people using safely maintained drinking water services. A drinking water service that is safely managed must be on-site, accessible when needed, and free of pollution

-?Why is this goal important for the SDGs-

      The sixth goal of the 17 SDGs is the "Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". Given the significance of clean water for general socioeconomic development and quality of life, including health and environmental preservation, achieving this goal fully or even partially would be very useful for humankind

 A basic human need that should be met for everyone is clean water. On the earth, there is enough fresh water to accomplish this

This aim is very important because the Sustainable Development Goals can only be achieved with clean water and sanitation. We can also better our food and energy production, contribute to decent work, and help the environment grow by managing our water sustainability


Every year, millions of people - mostly children - die from diseases linked to insufficient water supply, sanitation, and hygiene due to poor infrastructure, investment, and planning 

As a result of unsafe water sources, an estimated 1.2 million people died in 2017. This was 2.2% of global deaths

More than 80% of wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers or seas without any treatment or sanitation which leads to pollution  


Tortajada, C. (2020) Contributions of recycled wastewater to clean water and sanitation Sustainable Development Goals. Available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41545-020-0069-3 [Accessed 23 October 2022]

Unicef. (no date) Clean water and sanitation. Available at: https://data.unicef.org/sdgs/goal-6-clean-water-sanitation/ [Accessed 23 October 2022]

Pinterest. (no date) Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation - The Global Goals. Available at: https://pin.it/6zcqZWe [Accessed 26 October 2022]

Pinterest. (no date) Uploaded by Alyx Vance. Available at: https://pin.it/3cm2Nmo [Accessed 26 October 2022]

Stages of SDG progress

Governments at the local and global level are generating an approach to imply  medical, environmentally and veterinary. It is the need to highlight the danger of waste, ignorance and  poverty to our plant future.


- Using 2021 progress report, show what the world has reached until today.


1- Corona pandemic created a threat due to the lack of solid statistical system; thus building infrastructure 

for such domain will improve researches and finding solutions

2- It also brought to mind that what goes around comes around; and that all of us as humans should work together and never leave any group of people behind

United Nations providing information on the development and implementation of an indicator framework for the follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. (2022) 

Thinking beyond crisis: using the pandemic to advance high-quality, timely and inclusive data. Available at https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2022/thinking-beyond-crisis [No Date]

الأربعاء، 26 أكتوبر 2022

local organization worked on clean water and sanitation


-National water company-

The National Water Initiative “Let us guide” initiative on October 16, 2019, to put methods and solutions to work for those who want to be a part of this initiative to get quantitative and financial savings, in addition to raising awareness of the significance of water detection and treatment inside the property with the use of rationalization tools, and providing them with speed limit reports and calculating its financial and quantitative impact.

The corporation decided to take it upon itself to find and fix internal leaks in customers' houses, install rationalization information gratis, and look for 1,000 residences that have high water usage. Also, fit

-National water efficiency and conservation center- ''Qatrah''

The Kingdom occupies an advanced position in the world in per capita water consumption. I thus started the national "Qatrah" campaign to rationalize water usage in an effort to alter water consumption habits

National Water Company (no date) https://www.nwc.com.sa/English/pages/default.aspx
[Accessed 20 October 2022]

National water efficiency and conservation center(2021) https://maee.gov.sa/layouts/Qatra.html [Accessed 20 October2022]


Sustainable development

                                                              Sustainable development   Su stainable development is an international socio-e...